Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Mission San Miguel

Mission San Miguel was very interesting. There were a lot of original artifacts and it was cool to see how the Salinans (Native Americans) lived. My favorite room was the kitchen because I could imagine how they made the food. It was really neat to see the original buildings.

There is green moss on top of the tiles. The tiles are made out of the same materials as the walls, but they are painted and fired to make them more sturdy. 

This is in the cemetery. 


We tried to go up to the bell tower but it was locked. 

This is the bell tower with the three original bells. It was beautiful. The bells are still rung for ceremonies and church. 

Going into the cemetery

In the church. The church at Mission San Miguel is the only one in California that still has the original paintings on the wall. 

The colors they used were pretty. The turquoise was my favorite.

The wood ceiling looks weird and old. 

There was something g inside the cannon. 

The friars wore these kinds of robes. I like the colors. 

They made the bed frame out of wood and then wove cow hydes across the top as a mattress. 

This is a letter from 1797. The missionaries kept good records and they still have them today. 

This is a choir book that was about 3 feet tall!

This is where the Friars wrote their letters. 

This is their pantry. It goes inside of the wall. 

This is where the meals were served. 

This is the kitchen. There was a charcoal oven and other cooking tools.

The other side of the kitchen had a horno, which is like a oven. They would make a fire in the horno to heat it up and then they would put the fire out and put food inside to cook. It stayed hot for a long time. 

They ground up food with stones. 

This is a tool. 

One of the first wheat fields in California was here. 

They saddled up the horses to travel far distances like to go to other missions. 

I think this is a spinning wheel for making yarn. 

This is how they made candles. 

This is a yarn wheel 

They made paint in abalone shells by grinding rocks and minerals. 

Statue of Junioero Serra

In front of the mission. 

I hope you enjoy the photos! I liked this mission better than Solano. 😊

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